Wind Energy Analysis and-Forecast using Deep Learning (LSTM)

A Deep Learning model that predict forecast the power generated by wind turbine in a Wind Energy Power Plant using LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) i.e modified recurrent neural network.

VIsualization and Output

1. Visualization

### a. Correlation using Heatmap download (1)

It is easily understood from the graph that the Wind Direction hat no impact on the Power generated by Wind Turbine.

### b. Wind Direction Vs Wind Speed Plot using Windrose Library

download (14)

### c. KDE Plot on data

download (15)

Fit and plot a univariate or bivariate kernel density estimate.

### d. Date/Time VS Wind Power


2. Output Visualization


The model shows 96%(approx.) Accuracy on the forecasting which is quite great can be inreased by inreasing the Epochs.